Supernatural Magazine
has recently published a very interesting article which confirms some of my own
observations. Alyson Dunlop, a Scottish paranormal researcher and radio show
host relates her experiences of being in the Western Infirmary in
for major surgery last year. She saw an apparition of a teenage boy and a cloud
of "smoky mist". She also encountered a departed family friend.
During a second admission she was kept next door to a room with an old woman in
it who was being treated as terminal. She witnessed a frightening dark entity in
the vicinity of the room, as if this was a Grim Reaper type character who knew
the old woman's time was almost up and was waiting to take her away. Alyson
prayed to the angels and she reports that they chased the dark entity away. The
old lady made a miraculous recovery. I myself have seen miracles in my hospital
quite a few times. One that sticks in my mind is a case from the delivery suite
in which a mother was expecting twins but was told one of them had died; this
was confirmed by Doppler ultrasound scan. However both babies were born alive
and well. Alyson asked the nurses and they told her that there had been a similar
incident that they'd witnessed in the course of their duties. She wonders if a
dark entity is haunting that ward, and that maybe the operating theatres are
haunted too, see:
I've found that supernatural occurrences in hospitals are extremely common,
perhaps because of the amount of pain, fear and death you find within their walls,
see background links below for more details. Hospital staff are sometimes quite
willing to discuss it privately if they know they're in the presence of somebody
who will take them seriously. Other than that it is something of an "open
secret". Near-death experiences and contact with deceased patients by
staff is another frequent occurrence, see Dr Mitchell Gibson; however for
reasons I go into in the background links, such phenomena are very hard to
scientifically prove. However, as the saying goes, absence of evidence does not
equal evidence of absence.