Monday 31 August 2020

COVID 19 Whistleblower

A video has been currently circulating produced by a healthworker called Louise Hampton. She is employed by a contractor called Care UK and reports that her hospital was very quiet during the COVID 19 pandemic. This tallies with what I myself have heard from insiders I am still in touch with. She was awarded a certificate of merit for being part of the coronavirus response team, but she has returned it, calling it "a certificate of bollocks!" Source: This was a brave thing to do because, as I know only too well, the NHS is merciless towards whistleblowers; see the background links below. Predictably, her Trust and contractor authorities have retaliated with typical bureaucratic ferocity. They have placed Ms Hampton under an investigation which is eerily similar to my own discharge from the NHS, see: The BBC have now got on the case and their own reaction has been equally unsurprising. They have published an article written by somebody called Shayan Sardarizadeh from the BBC's "Anti-disinformation unit". Talk about an Orwellian name! The article is as biased, deceptive and derogatory as the BBC's typical output. Care UK issued a statement: "We are aware of this video, which we consider to be materially inaccurate in a number of ways, and can confirm that a member of staff is subject to investigation. We expect all our colleagues and services to support the work of the NHS in giving the public the right information and support during the pandemic." The article then leans on the fact that Ms Hampton is a QAnon supporter. They call QAnon " unfounded rightwing conspiracy theory that says President Trump is waging a secret war against elite Satanic paedophiles in government, business and the media known as the 'Deep State' or 'Cabal'... (They believe) prominent people such as former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will be arrested and executed." The Guardian has recently called QAnon "anti-Semitic"... Of course they have! Source: I salute my civilian sister for her courage and feel loathing for the management who are persecuting her for her beliefs. I know her career is now in jeopardy and I wish her all the best.

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