It has been revealed that the government are making plans to
force NHS frontline staff to take the COVID 19 vaccine. The trades union have,
for once in their lives, actually made a stand about something real and
important instead of bleating on about "EEEEEEEEEvil white men!" etc.
Christina McAnea, the current head of Unison, the union I was a member of,
said: "Forced vaccinations are the
wrong way to go and send out a sinister and worrying message," Source:
Sinister and worrying indeed! Having some vaccinations is a part of normal NHS
duties. When I joined hospital portering I was obliged to have some vaccines
not normally available to the general public, for instance Hepatitis B. However
in 2009 when the swine flu outbreak happened I chose not to have the optional
vaccine. This was because of the information presented by the late great Ian R
Crane, see:
For pro-vaccinators, the question of whether to use legal force is hotly
disputed. Even the very pro-establishment Ben Goldacre is against it, see:
However, Dr Paul Offit is in favour of total tyrannical coercion, see:
He is an American, but is always poking his nose into other countries trying to
make their governments do his will. An NHS serviceman who refuses the
compulsory vaccine schedule can face disciplinary action up to and including
discharge. However, if large numbers of health workers refuse in an organized
manner then management can do nothing in response; they can't sack everybody!
It looks as if the unions will support them. It's a healthy sign. Although I am
no longer personally involved anymore, I will be one hundred percent behind