Sunday, 18 April 2021

Elbert and Oscar- One Year On

It is now just over a year since the deaths of two Oxford Radcliffe porters, Elbert Rico and Oscar King Jr. One of our colleagues wrote this and shared it with all the porters on social media:
"This weekend marks first anniversary of premature passing away of my two working colleagues, Elbert Rico and Oscar King Jr. One of these moments I thought we won't have to revoke. That we will endure even through worse storms in our lives. And live (and work together) for many more years... It turned out otherwise. That is why we need to enjoy every moment of our life that is given, as it is unpredictable. Today, depending if you are religious or not, say a prayer for them. Or stop for a moment and share a thought; and possibly light up two candles in the evening, in memory of Elbert and Oscar. Thank you."
Elbert (usually known simply as "Rico") and Oscar are on Eternal Nightshift. Rest in Peace MEP&DBP's with Hospital Porters Pride and Dignity.