Saturday 21 March 2015

Big Porter is watching You

Something has happened at my hospital that I predicted long ago when I was there. I have found out from a contact currently serving in the John Radcliffe porters... never mind who... that CCTV has been installed in the portering departmental facilities. Two have been placed in the department's office in order to protect sensitive paperwork, like disciplinary records and sickness forms etc, from being accessed by unauthorized persons... obviously the safes and locked filing cabinets the portering office used to use are obsolete technology and in this day and age we need to leave all documents lying around in the open. The porters at my hospital no longer have a lodge in the traditional sense; areas designated for portering use are just alcoves with a few chairs or a corner with portable partitions if we're lucky. However when I was there and we did have a lodge, I said that one day we'd be monitored by management via CCTV while in it. CCTV was originally introduced into the hospital for security purposes, as were electronic door locks. However, and I predicted this as well, those door locks are today used by management to monitor the location of the security guards exactly like in a local hotel I've referred to, see: And so we now see CCTV being adapted from the purpose it is supposed to be for into something else entirely. This is why, when it comes to Big Brother, we have to deal with capabilities, not professed intents. I said this over the school fingerprinting issue, see: It could be that we porters will once again be given a proper lodge, a room with a rest area, kitchen, lockers etc; but when we are you can bet it will have that little brown dome fitted to the ceiling. 

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