Saturday, 4 January 2025

HP Sacked for Maskcrime

I have a sad story to start the New Year, apologies. A brother hospital porter has lost his appeal following his dismissal for refusing to wear a facemask during the Covid 19 pandemic. Graham Fordham had over twenty years of service at Northwick Park hospital in Harrow, London; until a nurse reported him for not wearing his mask properly. He started wearing a self-declared exemption badge on duty but his management at the contractor Compass Group laid him off and then sacked him. At the time, early 2021, it was NHS regulations that all staff were required to wear a mask on duty, but Mr Fordham said that they made him feel uncomfortable. He has an underlying anxiety and depression problem, as do so many people in the modern NHS. Many other non-NHS people have made this complaint and have been allowed to remain mask-free in public. Since that year the government and various "experts" have admitted that the mask rules were pointless nonsense, what we "super-spreaders" have been saying for years. In a hospital that is obvious because we regularly train for quarantine and the PPA we have to wear to protect ourselves from airborne virus particles are more than just paper surgical masks. We've all seen them on TV; full plastic overalls, wellingtons, rubber gloves, goggles and proper filter masks similar to a gas mask. A member of the public might be forgiven for thinking the mask mandates gave people protection, but in a hospital nobody can maintain that charade. So Mr Fordham has been kicked out of HPing for something everybody knows is a groundless principle. This is one of those weird Soviet situations in which laws are imposed that are crazy, and everybody who enforces and obeys them know they are crazy, but they all have to go along with them anyway. Things will not get any better until people in vast numbers start turning to the government and saying that little word "no!" Source: I salute MEP&DBP Graham for his courage and sense of duty and I'm so sorry he lost his porterhood over this. I'd like to present myself as a test case for the fact, although it might not feel like it right now, that there is life after HPing. I wish him all the best for the future.
See here for more information:

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